www.amazon.com/gp/video/settings/parental-controls – Set Parental Control on Amazon Prime Video

by admin April 21, 2019
Set Parental Control on Amazon Prime Video

Set Parental Control on Amazon Prime Video

Amazon.com is considered as world largest online selling website. Apart from selling goods Amazon also provides videos and music products and services.  Prime video service which is provided by the Amazon is very popular among the people. If you want to set a parental control on the video service provided by Amazon, or if you want to set a pin, then this article will surely help you.

What is Amazon Parental Control?

Parental control is to manage purchase and prime video setting of your Amazon account. Please note that for purchase restrictions and to use Amazon Video parental controls services, the Amazon fanboy needs to create an Amazon Video PIN for the given account. After creating the PIN, the customer can use the PIN to authorize Amazon Video purchases or bypass viewing restrictions that the customer has set for the associated devices.

How Set Parental Control for Prime Video

Prime Video parental controls work by demanding entry of your PIN to circumvent any acquisition or viewing confinements you’ve enabled. To set the parental control, follow the mentioned steps.

  • Using Prime Video Application:
    • Open the Amazon prime Video application.
    • Click on the Setting> Change Prime Video PIN.
  • Using Amazon Website:

How to Set Viewing Restrictions for Prime Video:

Viewing restrictions is very useful for the people, who like to choose their videos according to their rating. With this settings prime will show you the certain rating videos

Customer can also get an Amazon support by visiting amazon.com/support.

Overview of Amazon:

  • com Inc. involves in the retail sale of consumer products and subscriptions in North America and internationally.
  • Headquarter of Amazon corporate office located at 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109 inthe United States and can be reached at 206-266-1000.
  • More than 340,000 people are working under this firm.
  • This company is led by CEO Jeffrey P. Bezos.
  • Amazon is challenged by eBay, Walmart.com, Alibaba and to a lesser extent Target.com for market share.


Regarding any queries related to the Amazon.com/PIN Reset service should be directed to a US Based customer service agent at 1 (888) 280-4331 between the hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday to Friday and for Saturday or Sunday at 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.




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